Here’s How Deals with Floors That Stay Dirty After Mopping

You mop your floor expecting it to be sparkling clean, but no matter how often you go over it, it just doesn't seem to stay clean. Sounds familiar? I used to have this issue in one of my rentals, so I devised a technique for eliminating stubborn dirt on the floors. Key Takeaways: Dirty mops, too much cleaner, hard water,

Andre Andre

Preparing for a beach vacation: a simple planning guide [downloadable checklist]

You may have heard of a saying such as "A day at the beach, soothes the soul." Just the thought of spending a day or an entire week at the beach brings us a sense of calm. We can't wait to get to our vacation destination for some rest and relaxation. While thinking of the beach itself brings about these

Victoria Parkley Victoria Parkley

Robot Vacuum Battery Replacement: Tips For Peak Performance

Your robot vacuum is not immune to the ravages of time and use, especially when it comes to battery performance. Much like any other battery-powered device, it will start showing signs of battery wear after consistent use. It's crucial to recognize these early symptoms to maintain optimal performance.  With average use, your robot vacuum battery should last 3 - 4

Andre Andre
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